This  is the story of Mahmut and his siblings, who were born with developmental delays due to prenatal malnutrition. While we supported the education of the siblings who are secondary school students in our Fraternity Bond project, we also took care of their little brother Mahmut's health issues with the help of our volunteers. Unfortunately, Mahmut’s weak body could only last two years in this world. When he passed away, we were supporting his family in the hospital while also helping his siblings with their classes in our association. Our volunteers sometimes shoulder difficult responsibilities. However, the bond they form with the children is so strong that their sincerity helps to alleviate the difficulties. The children, who learned of their younger siblings' deaths from their volunteer teacher at the Fraternity Bond, found the strength to attend the funeral after overcoming those difficult moments with the help of everyone in the association. Despite the fact that Mahmut's tiny body is marked with a refugee tombstone, which is now just a code, the bond we formed in the most difficult as well as the most beautiful moments was engraved in our minds and hearts with a much stronger inscription.

We continue to maintain our constant presence in the lives of the Fraternity Bond's cherished children, thanks to the generosity of our donors and volunteers. You can also contribute to our project, which addresses children's psychosocial as well as educational needs.